Author: BZ Admin

Inattentive drivers are the problem

To the Editor: Nov. 12 It has come to my attention that the Litchfield first selectman is calling for removal of the crosswalk closest to Town Hall following another pedestrian strike. The pedestrians are doing nothing wrong....

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Election Day gratitude from a poll worker

To the Editor: Nov. 6 From my position as a member of John Dasher’s absentee ballot counting team on Tuesday at the Litchfield firehouse, I could clearly see that the organizing and delivering of the absentee ballots by Town...

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Reelect Trump at your own peril

To the Editor: Nov. 2 Donald J. Trump POTUS. A basket of lies and a barrel of snake oil. Reelect him at your peril. Don't think so? Check what will happen to your health insurance if he is reelected. Be the adult. Think! Gerald...

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