Category: Opinion

Litchfield selectmen support ‘yes’ vote

To the Editor: Nov. 27 On Dec. 3, there will be a referendum in Litchfield, Warren, Morris and Goshen to vote on authorizing Region 20 to bond up to $1.9 million to finance debt service which was part of the establishment of...

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Orchids and onions

Orchids to Dean Birdsall, chairman of the Sustainable Litchfield Committee, and the committee's members for the work they did to earn a new level of certification from Sustainable Connecticut (see news page). The committee has...

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Track club coach thanks volunteers

To the Editor: Nov. 18 A special letter of thanks to the following volunteers who helped man the finish line, hand out awards, set course signs out in the woods, marshal the course and drive the emergency cart provided by the...

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Scarecrows in the Meadow was a success

To the Editor: Nov. 8 The Litchfield Historical Society would like to thank the community for the success of the 5th Annual Scarecrows in the Meadow. First, thank you to the hundreds of Scarecrow creators, without whom this...

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Region 20 board needs to revisit priorities

To the Editor: Sept. 18 As each week passes by for Region 20, new issues seem to be facing the Board of Education. You have the deficit-ridden 2024-2025 budget, with the present audit and budget cuts hopefully softening the...

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Opinion Page

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